
Passive Treatment System Design

Hedin Environmental designs and oversees the construction of new passive treatment systems and rehabilitation of underperforming systems. As part of the design process, we assist clients with water sampling, permitting, project bidding, construction oversight, and reporting.

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Treatment System Operation & Maintenance

Hedin Environmental provides services including solids management, sludge pumping, limestone cleaning, organic substrate replacement, and water sampling.

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Evaluation of Existing Treatment Systems

Hedin Environmental diagnoses problems with existing treatment systems and prepares rehabilitation plans for everything from routine vegetation control to full redesign.

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Pollution Characterization & Watershed Restoration Planning

Hedin Environmental develops watershed restoration plans which identify impairment sources, quantify pollution loading, and identify treatment strategies that will restore the watershed.

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Reclamation Design

Hedin Environmental designs and oversees the construction of reclamation projects to physically and chemically stabilize mine wastes.

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Research & Development

Hedin Environmental directs and participates in research to develop new treatment technologies and beneficial uses of treatment byproducts. Research projects include:

  • Saleable iron oxide product for pigment, soil restoration, and phosphorus immobilization

  • Drainable limestone bed and carbonation treatment technologies

  • Limestone cleaning best management practice

  • Critical metal recovery from mine drainage

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Wetland and Stream Delineation

Hedin Environmental conducts delineations for any size project from culvert replacements and pipelines to large mine sites and solar arrays. Delineations are done in accordance with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Delineation Manual and Reginal Supplements.


Hedin Environmental prepares:

Chapter 105 Water Obstruction and Encroachment General Permits for culvert replacements, waterline crossings, oil and gas related activities, water intakes, etc.

Chapter 102 NPDES permits for discharges of stormwater associated with construction activities.

Permit packages include site design, erosion and sediment control, and post construction stormwater management to maintain and protect the physical, biological, and chemical qualities of receiving waters.